
Showing posts from January, 2019

What You're Watching Saturday Night

New to Five Foot Nothing Sports, 'What You're Watching Saturday Night', staff members will either represent the College Basketball game of the week, the NBA game of the week or the movie of the week, because let's face it, if you're living somewhere where its cold, sometimes its better to just stay inside and turn on the tube. But how should you spend your time? Watching the fundamentals of college basketball? The flare of the NBA? Or the best NBA and maybe AMC have to offer? We will attempt to make it easier for you to decide... The case for NCAA: Coach Dubs #1 Tennessee @ Texas A&M 8:00 ESPN As we start the shortest month of the year the intensity starts to heat up.  College basketball teams are trying to make their final push for the Big Dance in March.  The big ESPN matchup at 8 pm is #1 Tennessee at Texas A&M, which is not very appealing. And the bigger problem is it does not really matter who wins this game.  It will hav